Thursday, January 22, 2009

ode to lovers photography by Lauren Fleishman

Lauren Fleishman has a new piece on her site called lovers. It's a styled piece which I feel is more unusual for Lauren as most of her work seems more fly on the wall. I really like her approach even when the situation may be more set. The underlying sex appeal of the subjects contrasted with how normal the situations are an interesting combination... Check out the whole set at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

dolls... not at all as i remember them by Andrew Hetherington

all photos copyright Andrew Hetherington

It's not a secret from those who know me that I'm a big fan of Andrew Hetherington's As an editorial and advertising photographer he keeps me laughing with his witty pairings and general view of the world as seen through his lens. I keep up with his blog which, I generally find chock full of gems that keep me inspired and excited. The post I encountered today however, had me down right giggling. As a card carrying member of the girl club I've encountered a doll or 2. I've even seen stories about real dolls before but, Andrew's pursuit of the story of the Doll Doctor put me over the top. AH's work is a departure from the material I've seen in the past. Maybe because the situation eerie, yet accessible or maybe it's his sense of humor which comes through in all of his work. The portraits and details of the doll heads and faces are classic AH and had me literally laughing out loud at my desk (which I'm sure adds to the general perception in the office that I'm nuts). According to the text the slideshow is apparently his first attempt and I think he did a fantastic job.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I like pictures.. YAY

Finding a new outlet it always an interesting endeavour. So, here we are at my maiden voyage. My first share is that of a collaborative project between photographer Jonathan Saunders and John of, together they are
The project is a mix of poetry and narration (except in a few instances) by John and photos by Jonathan.

Here are a few of my favorites:


